Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

189 Dawn

On this pristine world your blessings send,O lord

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Dawn, 1st Feb 2020, for MSA

Daily in this world I wish to see
Every last fellow creature set free
From the shackles of assumed limitations
Instead filled with delightful sensations

We're human which means we receive divinity
It slowly enters into the bones of me and thee
Worry not, its darkest only before dawn
Dance to the melody, fleet footed as a fawn

When daylight breaks, look up in utter glee
Burst into song, as you this world begin to see
In its true light, where love is what defines us
Where we give of our best without any fuss

Be a light to guide others through the dark
Lit from inside, a glimpse of that divine spark
Make no mistake, were headed for better times
Forget the nightmares, as the clock, 5am chimes

On this pristine world your blessing send, O Lord
We receive your shining light, it strikes a chord
That resonates at the core of our very being
Makes us dance and with merry voices sing



188 Hills →

I constantly think of you,my pulse begins to race.


190 Pliable →

All i have to beis pliable at a well-wishers touch.