Infused :: Inspired to Love. — [Infused]

My first 250 poems are all about various themes that have touched me.

64 Angels

On the strain in relationships. "Why do we lose so consistently - When there's angels among us - Seems everything weve ever known is here - I never wanted it to die". That last bit from GnR

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

Were so close to being there for one another
Then fate closes a door and then its a bother
The love we had just died because the angel in me
Was cheated by the devil who got his hold on you

Where are you my brother
Where are you my lover
Where are you my sister
Where are you my father

Why do we lose so consistently
When there's angels among us
Seems everything weve ever known is here
I never wanted it to die

Time has taken its toll on you
Open your eyes and drink again
from the stream that is life
Angels persevere to the bitter end
The klaxon has not yet sounded

So wake from this stupor that devours
Open up your eyes and turn the page
Dwell in the houses of tomorrow
Whilst there's still springs to drink from


63 No More Cloudy Days →

For a friend from days past. Romanticized version "My inmost mind only you can read - As I find a joy that you can relight".


65 Turn That Page →

On Peace! - for Gene Rodenberry, creator of Star Trek - an imaginary future where we have conquered the lower tendencies and lead the Life Divine, beig kid and consisderate to one another.