All my Poems — [Poems]

Category: Mrityunjay

511 Loss2 →

For a new made friend, about the loss of his partner Jo.

493 Moments Left →

A prayer for a friend's mother as she recovers.

473 Mrityormam →

There's a part inside us that's strong though grieving. It wants to sing your praise, but also is filled with sighs. All through your life, we never at your hand stopped receiving.

447 Victory2 →

Thoughts that came flowing for a friend on the topic of death, as it overshadows a loved one.

426 Shanti →

For when another "river of time" ended, as my friend lost her Father

424 Swing Low →

"I can't think of a gentler soul though firm... To reform heaven, help them cut through the tape... Find the supreme secret *1 as we'd cast away a drape"

406 Amrityu →

For the deathless spirit of a son, gathered by the lord in his tender twenties.

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