Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections


Embrace the Morrow

252 Embrace the Morrow →

A poem that begs us to brood not in the past (when we were in love). "I know its not easy but on letting go, we're choosing life - And not dwelling unnecessarily on highs from our past - Letting go is healing, the past cut away as by a knife - Instead we focus on the now and build a future to last"


262 Careworn →

About a man whose spent and feeling a little careworn.

The Van

268 The Van →

If evolving is a struggle, this poem sees me coming to terms with my part as an observer, not a doer. The vanguard or fountainhead of human progress.

287 Band of Poets →

On a WhatsApp group, I began with "I joined a group of people - we all shared one thing in common... 'Twas a love of words, words that spoke to a body's heart... We drenched ourselves in poetry for that fueled our imagination... We'd speak of the human condition - this dialogue was our art"

288 Needs →

Same Group - "I swear to thee, this above all... We need to learn to stand tall... For this world needs giants again... People who serve with no thought for gain"

295 Roots →

Thinking of the women I have loved. I try not to let it show, but theres pain all over. "A friend with a silver tongue wished me good company... But that ended in disaster, I have since willed my way on"

314 Shoots →

I've searched for a woman to love till eternity,now tim to discover what is serenity.

316 Hands →

37 years have left him bone weary, he now begs a saviour to walk together.

Self, 19 Mar 2021 9/30
Strength, Teeming with Life.

320 Run On Empty →

Run on Empty folks, the time is near, when all we need are the unfettered mind and a fierce valiant spirit.

Self, 19 Mar 2021 10/30
Strength, Teeming with Life.

322 Redound →

He'd a special work that to the lord would redoundthe timeless work of the GITA,UNITING HIS ONLY MISSION.

Self, 4 Apr 2021 11/30
Healing, Teeming with Life.

330 Grew →

When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?


Self, 21 Apr 2021 12/30
Healing, Teeming with Life.

332 Pray →

Like the masters say - we should FREE ourselves from all LIMITATIONS and SOAR ON HIGH in SERVICE to the DIVINE.

Self, 1 Jul 2021 13/30
Spirit, Teeming with Life.

345 Hey You →

Using the Imperative - "Hey You", this poem addresses humanity from the viewpoint of 5 different spiritual figures.

357 Ground Zero →

As I hit "ground zero" at ByTwo Studios, this medley sees me trying to set words to the tune of 5 different Pink Floyd Songs

399 Spent2 →

For a dear friend whose very peaceful future was and is being threatened. I do not agree with her decision not to go down with guns blazing, but respect the strength she has for choosing that. "My advice to you, all friends - is to just recover fast and keep moving - we know this life as bumpy, yet chose it, so make it one of giving"

410 ianamazi →

Written for an open mic, but couldn't go. One way to introduce myself...

413 Warriors2 →

"So follow the impulse in your heart dear soldier, extend the olive branch... And let a new spirit of oneness take hold of this planet."

419 Nestled →

"He's done with the old life, it's time to plan and be more effective, As friends tell him he's worthy of being counted with the rest."

451 Cradle →

A personal note to babies and children everywhere, written for Renaissance

452 Gumption →

Another note to toddler's and youth, this one with a final note to parents to always be mindful about life. Also written for Renaissance

455 Lovely →

Care for one another as we can do, with love. Uplifted, as on a starry, starry night, we look above.

456 Forgot →

In all my madness and insecurity, I've always forgotten to pray for and be kind to the ones that love me so.

459 A Whole New World →

Oh, absolute mirth at the thought of the battles of life to be fought.

462 Wildmore →

A landmark poem as I start releasing that pent up anger and write with a new force of feeling / authneticity instead of sugar coaring everything.

479 Nothing →

A contemplative poem thanks to my uncle Chalam

481 Sorry →

An apology to friends for being obtuse.

482 Strove →

"we could be perfection"

483 Beach →

"Making love in the morning sun in some Of my earliest essays as I revelled in your beauty, In your warmth with a sense frolicsome."

486 Niyat2 →

Will this boy one day become a "World Stirrer and Shaker"?

490 Back To Life →

"At new beginnings, I'd dream on, hopeful with each passing day. And glad for those friendships that are cemented for a lifetime."