Shayesteh, 8 Jan 2021 2/9
Grief, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
286 Father Mine →
Written as I painfully miss my dad and want to have him back so we can both "serve humanity" as we individually strove to do so.
Anusha, 2 Dec 2020 1/9
Grief, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
Shayesteh, 8 Jan 2021 2/9
Grief, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
Written as I painfully miss my dad and want to have him back so we can both "serve humanity" as we individually strove to do so.
Shayesteh, 14 Jan 2021 3/9
Grief, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
For my parents - "So fragile our dreams when we know not the way... Today, I am cleansed and freed of a self neglecting past"
Anusha, 26 Feb 2021 4/9
Grief, Teeming with Life.
When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?
Freemasonry, 12 Mar 2021 5/9
Grief, Teeming with Life.
Pandu - I often think of this noble soul who orchestratd the highs of many a person and team.
Reuben, 15 May 2021 6/9
Grief, Teeming with Life.
For a dear friend upong the loss of his uncle... Triggered a powerful emotion and thought for all the people we love and the longing to be reunited with them.
Anusha, 31 Oct 2021 7/9
Grief, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
As my friend marks her mothers first death anniversary, written in the first person with immense feeling
Yogesh, 31 Oct 2021 8/9
Grief, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
For another friend who misses his father and thinks of his own mortality, realizing the "the best part of life Is over"
Reuben, 14 Mar 2022 9/9
Grief, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
For Reuben, Sandeep and Harry on the death of their friend Manish Aneja, written from the view of the poet, addressing the dear departed.