Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections


Dear Teacher

260 Dear Teacher →

In gratitude for Teachers, with the hope that ill make a good one some day.

373 Steel →

About the steel we find in people and how they, as a brook, goes on calm and serene, gathering the rain, even the unclean

383 Ingenuity →

Written for a friend and engineer, as she steers her dynamic alumnni team to the background as they make way for a new one

401 Naalai →

Thinking of the Nature of people and the watchwords needed to build the promise of tomorrow, this blank verse poem was made from words given by a friend and mentor.

402 Child →

For the alternate education system designed and developed by a dear friend.

426 Shanti →

For when another "river of time" ended, as my friend lost her Father

493 Moments Left →

A prayer for a friend's mother as she recovers.