Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
261 Dear Friend
On the occasion of my friend Melissa's birthday.
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveDear Friend, I hope this birthday finds you in good cheer
That your content to once again be on the threshing floor
Where the Lord distils the essence of what it is to be you
Preparing you for next year, keeping you from being blue
Dear Friend, the road leads over the mountain and into
The valley, so walk the path with pleasure and keep to
The side that brings you peace and utter contentment
Help the elderly along, walking still but somewhat bent
Dear Friend, enjoy the company of family as you walk
And that band of friends who love you so, so talk
To us and remind us of the beauty there is in life
Soothe our hearts with your voice that negates strife
Dear Friend, rest assured you are special beyond measure
You've to become a healer now, so find that treasure
Where you come into your own, healing with a word
Heal the sick, the weary, the hurt, why even the bored
Dear Friend, you've been good to me all these years
You've seen me laugh, comforted me when in tears
Remember to call loudly if ever you're overwhelmed
By life, for thats what friends are for - so MEND
Vidya Shankar, 12 Nov 2020
Gratitude, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
260 Dear Teacher →
In gratitude for Teachers, with the hope that ill make a good one some day.
Self, 21 Nov 2020
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].