Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

292 Appa

For my parents - "So fragile our dreams when we know not the way... Today, I am cleansed and freed of a self neglecting past"

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Was I the absentee in my parent's lives or was it they?
So fragile our dreams when we know not the way
Today, I am cleansed and freed of a self neglecting past
On my own ship am I, steering steadily behind the mast

Monty's Way from Within serves as my guide in life
As calmly I let my father go, and take care of his wife
A mother I love to bits though I seem not to care
But their image I carry as I go about everywhere

How will the tale go, will I be there for her till the end?
Enough of being less than perfect, going round the bend
As we try to strain and straighten each other's ways
Instead sit back and let the Divine guide our days

A newfound faith I have in life and living as I let go
Trusting the path to unfold, to where I just do not know
I try to be in each and every moment - pure and gentle
I fail some times, but at myself I constantly whittle

Remember this folks, that life is a constant test
We're only ask to grow and learn to give our best
You may fight with parents but one day find a new peace
As you find it for yourself, then on life you get a new lease


291 Closer to Believing →

Ah, the thrill of meeting a kindred spirit - "Did you grab the opportunities that came your way to express love... Did your heart sometimes expand and soar up to the skies above"


293 Garden →

Yavanna - Garden reminded my of the Mrityunjaya mantra and God begging us to have a "victory over death by being in the present... Being ready to leave, grasping onto life which was heaven sent"