Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
298 Umbrella
Wriiten when a matriarch was called to Eden above and how her Umbrella continues to protect her family.
Rhyme Scheme: AlternateI want to be detached now for the memories are painful
Amma, you were the umbrella of my world, protective
Always, shielding me from the elements, you were full
Of life, which you lived on your terms, bold and sportive
I feel a void now, sometimes I clasp my hands and feel
The warmth of your hands between mine those last days
Hurt, you left me, alone and untrained behind the wheel
Wondering now, which way to go, what trail to blaze
Abandoned I haven't felt to this degree until just now
When I think of on what painful terms we had to part
The strings of love they say bind us as we live and grow
But for now, all I feel is a black despair gripping my heart
I suffer displacement from my old, joyous life, I'm broken
I don't know wherefrom to muster the will to go on living
Broken glass can be swept away, but will none hearken
To my heart which withers at the memory of you dying
But sometimes on a full moon night I gaze upon your face
And feel that umbrella once more protecting this family
I am refilled with the energy to run and complete the race
When I will be at peace and can rush to greet you gladly
Srividya, 23 Jan 2021
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
297 My Prayers →
About the same mother - "My prayers that you grow into a source of delight soon... A girl I saw a spark of as her healing put us on the moon"
Women, 25 Jan 2021
Soulful Dancing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
299 Ten Points →
Romance: "I can love you forever, show I'm made of tender stuff... As causes a symphony of joy to course within you... 10 points lover, and let each day bring me nearer to you"