Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections339 Twenny Four
About a friend whose stood by me "we barely know how to cry... And wash away the nightmares in our dark past... Has the time come to grow in the light at last"
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveTwenny Four long months you've stood at my side
Wondering when the man will show, not stay and hide
I felt your pain when you lost a diamond to the depths
I wonder now at the fate into which we've crept
Will I learn fast enough, tenderly alleviate your sorrow
Or will I keep wasting time - a whole life of it we borrow
Not knowing that were born to live in the light
See far ahead and swell with beauty at the sight
Demons they come and go leaving our tongues dry
They rob us of emotion, we barely know how to cry
And wash away the nightmares in our dark past
Has the time come to grow in the light at last
I see healing looming ahead, and boy I need it bad
I've lost sight of my life's purpose how very sad
I cannot be in the van, broken and bereft of my hands
Which do not work save to gather pebbles on sands
Picking this or other word as fancy or in romance
Without knowing its meaning or power - in a trance
At the plays that conjure in my head as it swells
With ego, no I'd rather sit quiet and loosen my spells
Raji, 16 May 2021
Birthdays, Teeming with Life.
338 Submission →
For an aunt who has few rivals when it comes to devotion and poise. And how I want her to inspire my students to live in God's Peace and Love.
Bidisha, 3 Jun 2021
Spirit, Teeming with Life.
340 Daivism →
For a newly met friend while contemplating on the divine and what life has in store for those who serve.