Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

384 Truly

Reflecting on a friend and how her poise could be the very stuff of the universe

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Truly you have built a warm cozy home my dear.
One is blessed to see the love that radiates there.
I wish I could visit more and see skies crystal clear
And learn from you of strength and toil and care.

True love one would be lucky to find at your side.
I wish you the best, and happy landings as you fly
Up and find the meaning of love, for then beside
You, people would gather strength, soar to the sky.

Truth be told I was touched by your calm and poise
I've seen a few bold people and you are so sweet.
I wish you would emblazon this land with your voice
As it sings out the beauty in life, for you are a treat,

True to yourself and the universe inside. I wonder
At the state of this world and where we head
As we let bad guys who would loot and plunder.
But hey, let's build a brighter tomorrow instead.

Truly we're all here for one another I believe
So tell me your deepest troubles and dreams.
I beg you to hurry and tell us before you leave
The secret - how to smile amidst our screams.


383 Ingenuity →

Written for a friend and engineer, as she steers her dynamic alumnni team to the background as they make way for a new one


385 Stop →

For a friend on his engagement, a request of the world to "stop" and take cognizance of these two youngsters falling in love.