Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections424 Swing Low
"I can't think of a gentler soul though firm... To reform heaven, help them cut through the tape... Find the supreme secret *1 as we'd cast away a drape"
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveI wasn't sad when I heard of Dr Fazlur Rahman's death
He knew life's secrets, the play into which we've crept,
Was not one to stand on ritual and ceremony and yet,
A smile escapes my lips when I think of how he kept
Us off balance with his spiritual karate, he was the best
Person to exude the faith he had in the Creator, a test
For us of us to remember that Almighty in our daily.
Now I wonder he may be guffawing down at us gaily.
For we often keep linking ourselflves back into some or
Other mental trap which he would rip with a loud roar.
Loud yet soft, for his was a gentle soul that would keep
Us mindful of the Road ahead - with its ditches deep.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, come forth and carry him
Home, for I can't think of a gentler soul though firm,
To reform heaven, help them cut through the tape
Find the supreme secret *1 as we'd cast away a drape
Swing Low and carry him home as we celebrate a full
Gifted life, that really changed the life of those dull
And for whom the years had become as a millstone.
Go share your truth in Heaven as for us you shone
* 1. Uttamam Rahasyam - secret referenced in The Gita.
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