Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
280 Rock Bottom
For a friend who was feeling low, in the hope that he will cause a change in the trend.
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveI feel anxious, lost, confused, rotten, and devoid of all hope
I'm sick of my old life, I'm gonna clean up, avoid any more dope
The time has come, I know that I am ripe for a Divine change
I think I have no strength, so I implore you Lord - make me sane
I feel the pressing need for guidance, a slender beam of light
Time for me to awaken the Guru inside & fight with all my might
No more silly habits or mind games, it's time to become serious
How to become responsible? I've lost time for which I am now furious
Lazy and stubborn I have been up to now, but with hope renewed
I know I'll conquer the summits one day - good qualities imbued
Exhausted and angry, I now look for ways to vent my frustrations
Or perhaps I should LIVE in the light, not give in to any botherations
I don't know if good sense will prevail, but I feel an urge to change
There's joyous journeys to make, comrades to find out upon the range
Positive thinking is good but not enough, I need to make solid plans
As I find peace on Earth and poise begins to reign - time for a better stance
I've not given my best to the loved ones that surround me, especially mum
I don't know where to begin, it pains me to see her despondent and glum
Where the road leads, we know not - but there's gold at the end of the rainbow
So, Lord, I entreat Thee to be gentle with me as from this soil I begin to grow
Shoaib and Batool, 18 Dec 2020
Soulful Dancing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
Sundaram, 28 Dec 2020
Teamwork, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
281 Do Well →
Written the day we performed special prayers, our spirit is to: "We stand apart in our promise to deliver a high standard... Of quality, we work hard to give what we said we would... We're quick to support a colleague, we're never wayward... Instead our concern for living beings touches as it should."