Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections382 Janavi
Whispering my philosophy on marriages at a dear friend's cousin's wedding
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveI'm not much of an orator, but I've seen a little of life
She is gentle though firm, as one would think of a wife.
As you are about to become dear Janavi, soar high
Look forward to marriage and reach out to the sky.
They say that this is indeed a turning point for us all.
I hope for you both it's smooth and you come to call
On each other for loving support in the coming years.
That it's a balanced, mutually giving time, with no fears
Or unhealthy perspectives that come to mess things up.
Oftentimes a healthy frame of mind can help fill our cup
As relationships deepen and two families are drawn
Closer, it becomes a manifold blessing like a new dawn.
The hallmark of great relationships is in the joy of giving
As I beg you both to find out with each other. Living
Can have no higher purpose than to serve loved ones
So strengthen your bonds and be a delight as once
Your parents grew to complement each other in small,
Sure ways. Rear your children well, let them stand tall.
May love and super understanding follow where you go
For then generations will be amazed, as surely you grow.
Srividya, 10 Dec 2021
Spirit, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
381 Hold →
I very short sentences, this poem is best summed up in this line "We are not here overlong, so sing out loud and strong"
Vidya Shankar, 11 Dec 2021
Teamwork, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
383 Ingenuity →
Written for a friend and engineer, as she steers her dynamic alumnni team to the background as they make way for a new one