Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
315 Waves2
Father come back and kiss me gently and put your arms around me.
Rhyme Scheme: Blank VerseWaves of memories come and go, my earliest are with you
Appa, have you taken birth yet or need I pray for you in limbo?
Those waves carried me to our monthly dinners with family
Shyam, Venka, You, Vichu, Me and Advaith ga ga over food
Had I known then how many short years we had left, I'da calmed down
Instead of shouting at a father whose done his best for me, his son
There's memories of conversations and drives but YOU I miss
Can't you come back and kiss me gently and put your arms around mine
Now I begin to glimpse at the pain that good children go through
When they lose both parents, a constant sob dwells inside
Shyam tried telling me a good 10 years to be a better son to you
But it wasn't in our nature to let quietly time go by, we had to argue
What about and why, I no longer know. I do miss your smile
Leaves a vacuum in my heart as new waves crash over me
I've been a distant and mean cuss for most of my adult life
I must remember to help others bridge the gap with their parents
I'm not even that good at looking after my mother, I despair and cry
When I think of all the pain I've caused you two over the years
I'm a bundle of raw emotions, I hope both your prayers are answered
That some sweet girl will help me make sense of what I meant to you
Self, 2 Mar 2021
Soulful Dancing, Teeming with Life.
314 Shoots →
I've searched for a woman to love till eternity,now tim to discover what is serenity.
Self, 7 Mar 2021
Soulful Dancing, Teeming with Life.