Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

356 Waves Felt

A tribute to the nearly 30 girls and women in my life, weaving them into a single tapestry, seemingly addressing a single / a few people.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Many Sighs (90) did i give the day you lost your trust in me
Kiddish I was but Priceless are the memories of you
Lost I was for years then you Announced a Castle (94) - gee
how I loved to be Another Addict (95) for your misty dew

Many Begged me to hold a candle in your night and
i Stood Beside you even though you Rationed my
Every Glimpse (97) of you. Committed we made a stand
but I was Vain, living Tainted I would dare to Ply (01)

my Fantasies (95) until i believed i was living in heaven
My Bestie for a fleeting time, i Ranted, Dismayed (01)
until my Nights Stopped (04) being interminable - then
Something Terrific happened and 2005 well ended

i Struggled To find my art in 2009 but then bleak
was gone and My Real Sweetheart appeared and
I thought life couldn't get better. I rediscovered TeaK
and then flipped in '15 for a Sapphire in the Sand

Krazy Khaos and I remain drawn to the other's beauty
But then I got to meet the Reverend's Daughter and my
jaw dropped at her voice and Sensuous Serenity.
I wonder Now how this All will end as i Bid you Dreamy


355 Life2 →

To sum life up, I simply say "To know her pain is also to know her high - ya? So try to dig deep for her buried treasure"


357 Ground Zero →

As I hit "ground zero" at ByTwo Studios, this medley sees me trying to set words to the tune of 5 different Pink Floyd Songs