Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections309 Sunshine Wiggle
Seemingly disjointed, but a record of ideas from my cousin, woven into thoughts
Rhyme Scheme: AlternateDalgona coffee was named after the Korean sugar it resembles
I'm told it sends tingling feelings all over the one who drinks it
If I could have it ever so often, I would better face my troubles
It would leave me awake into the night, reading by lamp pale lit
On the beach too I would read, in fact in each waking moment
I appreciate good coffee and also books with woven thought
I let my emotions play out, I feel each joy, then crash and vent
Like they say, a spoonful of sugar helps hold us up in drought
With family I am now, no longer a young lad reading on a beach
A mighty young man they call me, though sometimes I'm smote
And pushed to the brink instead of Heaven for which I reach
Strong am I for the wife I espoused and the kids upon who I dote
Turtles I see, frolicking on the sand, how they love their young
We're oft times saddened by the sombre tone of this world
With delinquents that drive us to insane actions, oh how stung
We are by all the bitterness and conflict instead of letting unfurl
Our banners that could be crowned by seahorses and unicorns
Out in the sunshine let's let go of our every care and nutty niggle
As we say goodnight then watch as they disappear before the morns
Dance and sing at the joy that is life, do the Sunshine Wiggle
Reza, 21 Feb 2021
Friends, Teeming with Life.
308 Gaps →
There's gaps in the attention we get from parents when we grow up and there is intellectual chasms and bridges to cross.
Ali, 26 Feb 2021
Healing, Teeming with Life.
310 Reach →
I keep planting seeds of brotherly caring,but it falls on deaf ears,dont they cry at another's grieif, one that's so painful.