Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
253 Sprout Please
A poem for my co-founder Sundaram and the company we hope to build
Rhyme Scheme: alternateToday 3 men start working the claim of a gold mine
They're heavily invested and have their wits about
They're looking for people to work, spend valuable time
Building up Panishq Solutions - watch it sprout
Into a veritable jewel - the right mix of enthusiasm,
Dedication and passion - it's been a while in the making
Now time to plumb to its depths that mine's chasm
And bring up enough gold to make a dainty ring
For those who would appreciate the finer things in
life. Nishq is gold and Ishq, love. We offer our work to you
With love, hoping you will see the gold shine within
We work that teammates should never be blue
Always serving the public to their best interests
We start small today, but ahead are joyful days
We're ready to face challenge and fiery tempests
"Samasta Lokha Sukhino Bhavantu", our byline says
"May beings everywhere be happy and free
And may the thoughts, words, and actions
of [our] own life contribute in some way to
that happiness and to that freedom for all"
Self, 14 Oct 2020
Romance, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
252 Embrace the Morrow →
A poem that begs us to brood not in the past (when we were in love). "I know its not easy but on letting go, we're choosing life - And not dwelling unnecessarily on highs from our past - Letting go is healing, the past cut away as by a knife - Instead we focus on the now and build a future to last"
Siddharth, 26 Oct 2020
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
254 Troubled →
For 3 friends who are all finding themselves in difficult / estranged relationsships