Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

427 Spark

With reference to my prose "Sleep Eros", this poems is about a fictional lover

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

Over a full year, those experiences had accumulated.
Daily we had shared in each other's gaiety, igniting
A flame that burned deep and slow, with us satiated.
Rarely tumescent* had become frequent. Pillow fighting

Was still the most fun we had in our bed of heather.
The resplendence of her voice gave me peace.
We read and were glad to have each other as tether.
For its a mad world that runs hot and cold. Seas

Had been forded and and our paper children were off
Into the world like Budgeron and Danielle's treasure trove
Causing revolutions where before people would scoff
For they had undermined the stubbornness of love.

Our couplings like tinder crackling in a cozy fireplace
Had raged across our hearts, causing us to find
Tender Mercies deepening our hearts, carving a space
Where we would frolic, touching the other's mind.

Hours would gently pass in sweet companionship
Holding tight, filling our every sense with the fragrance.
Almost one, our vulnerabilities we would slowly strip
Off until we became one, conjugal as the primary spark **.

* With reference to


426 Shanti →

For when another "river of time" ended, as my friend lost her Father