Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections396 Rejection
For a friend's friend as we welcomed here into our warm and light hearted circle
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveGoodness gracious how we have been rejected this night
All my friend did was offer you love, try to be a knight
We beg and plead that you give us a whiff of your delight
Now I wonder if you will join us, ah that'd be a sight
I believe that friendship is the ultimate source of joy
And what pleasure would it be to have this other boy
As you go down the path wondering at the moments
When this fellow will allow himself to speak his sentiments
Scene podathe mami, Nangal unna pudchirku
Come stay with us, help us to to find in life a clue
What can I say to convince you that we're good company
Stay a while with us and help us this dawn to see
Entropy teaches us to be free and joyous as an atom
As we look to green pastures, wonder to speak an om.
Now the boys in all their meanness are trying to rap
I've been the victim of it, boy they can really say crap
Imran waits to be taught to become human and pass
Bharath wishes to make you comfortable which he may, at last
Johnya is your new name now, so dream on my dear
Go build a new trove of memories, with him always be near
Bharath M, 13 Mar 2022
Spirit, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
395 Hero →
About the important role some of us men play as Heroes in our children's lives - "We all feel a warm glow as you enter the room and greet us" - now go, have a ghand ball.
Uma, 13 Mar 2022
Healing, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
397 Bayonet →
With pain, now gone, since I spoke about it and wrote Clarinet. Am almost mended now, though it caused much pain and anguish for many years. "I sincerely pray for peace for those warriors who wrest With life as her very future lies in the balance, now rest"