Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections351 Rain
About a long awaited rain - a plea and prayer for it to fall - but with romantic overtones
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveDrops from heaven you come and dry me parched lips
I've waited all summer to hear your sloshy drips
Rain rain why don't you visit more dear rain
How I'd like to relive my youth say hello again
From the first instance I was so happy to see
The heavens burst, thunderclouds drum for me
Watching the lightning dance across the sky
Wonder in my soaking madness where you lie
When the skies are clear and dry the air
Wonder if I could find you and lay me bare
Your beauty as you splash and stir the Earth
Seeds germinate at your cue - they take birth
Oh Rain, you stir me to life, I beg for more
I wax and wane on life's threshing floor
Waiting to unite as you trickle down slow
Down a mountain and make a valley grow
Oh rain wont you come again to me someday
I've waited for you to bring all to a state of play
Whilst I drink from a lake, it's you I revere
So do come back else I'll always know fear
JM Bharath Ram, 12 Jul 2021
Children, Teeming with Life.
350 Kindness →
Written with a friend as reminder for him / all of us to be kinder to ourselves as we celebrate our children's lives.
MSA, 21 Jul 2021
Spirit, Gearing Up [To Love and Serve!].
352 Courage →
A from the heart confession about my less than perfect self / appreciation for the family that loves and supports me.