Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections418 Never Love
Birthday gift for a spirited friend "why not teach Our children simply to dream of a brighter tomorrow and then how constantly to reach? For the stars and baulk not at the challenge of building that vision"
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveIt is indeed unfortunate most of us never truly endeavour to love to the most
We sit and daydream of a future unreachable, or a past that lingers like a ghost.
Ali, can you rouse us from this stupor, make us bold and go-getters like you are?
I know that some of us are ripe for change and need to be shown the road to care.
But how can you lead, unless we truly wish to be led... and what is really the way
For us out of this mess? Where we walk the road to where our dreams hold sway.
If you live in the light by the principle of Always Love then we must be your antithesis
We say Never Love, for we are not touched by the love of God, who sends only bliss.
Who would reckon and by what measure, the sum of a body's life, and why not teach
Our children simply to dream of a brighter tomorrow and then how constantly to reach?
For the stars and baulk not at the challenge of building that vision brick by bloody brick.
The soil is ready comrade, the farmer has his till at hand and prays for rain, dense and thick.
So I guess we must each of us spread, in thanks, the seeds of love our ancestors bore
Out of the depths of time, for it was forgot when we were busy in the dark ages, our wounds sore.
But I'm sure now that enough Bright Ones have strove for collective reform and touch
And kindle us with the spark of Divine Light deep within - now let all the rivers rise and gush,
As we begin to lead a different life, far from the madding crowd. You remind us gently of Mother,
One whose cries we have ignored long enough, but they're starting to burst through the ether,
And rend the veil which stopped us from ever loving - loving ourselves, our families - why all.
Say Always Love again and I hope the world makes sense for midgets short and giants tall.
Srini, 21 May 2022
Birthdays, Where Peace Reigns Supreme.
417 Poised →
Written for my boss' birthday - "You balance hardcore tech savvy with empathetic, but that's not odd,.. Rather it's endearing, for you always wish us well, help us feel sated."
Self, 2 Jun 2022
Gratitude, Where Peace Reigns Supreme.
419 Nestled →
"He's done with the old life, it's time to plan and be more effective, As friends tell him he's worthy of being counted with the rest."