Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
334 Monty's Cry
If life is a test, we need to up the ante and SOMEHOW learn to lead a FULL LIFE, letting the past go and fighting to get into gear.
Rhyme Scheme: Alternate[Poet]
I hope you remember Monty, he guided me in my youth
A sheep I'm extremely fond of, who was uncommon wise
Now I wonder was that past all a dream? Why so uncouth
Must be the days, fearful as we wonder at so many whys
Why did this or other happen, why a life of scarcity when I
Just yesterday dreamed of the stars for myself and baby
And we were almost there, now those days make me cry
As I think I must hold on to my sanity, though I'm not free
We never know why we are tested a certain way my dear
Something of what we must learn as we lead a full life
Don't let the past weigh on you, focus and get into gear
No matter how painful, for we need strength to fight strife
I was frail for a while, but beneath the scars is a rage
I may seem caged now but my song rings far and true
It's a song of many who without hope have left the stage
But that shan't be my fate I fight for the best for us two
I have met lovely people over the years and I see strength
In those who kept fighting hard for ones who they love
My tale won't be of woe by the time I cross it's full length
Tell Monty don't cry, I'm healed - time to fly like a dove
Sandra, 24 Apr 2021
Romance, Teeming with Life.
333 Blow →
When losing a parent, we hit a new low and our feelings get all jammed up. How will this raw grief bring about a catharsis for us?
Sama, 11 May 2021
Daivic, Teeming with Life.
335 A Sparrow Falls →
A painful reminder as to how many lives we are losing in this pandemic and how we feel each death so poignantly. Ends with a word of comfort to those in the line of fire.