Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

423 Making Love

"I'd recall to you my story of love and friendship, still hopeful... That you'd one day realize I was simply in your spell"

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

I'm sorry it seemed I had a strong carnal desire for you,
I was just elated to have someone inspire me to write again.
Those 30 poems were not because I was trying to bed you,
Just words I wrote for the romantic in you, cause you to grin.

It does still matter all these years, healing for both you and me.
Dear friend there's a few things that now you should know,
I was battered when we met, the shell of what you'd now see.
But hey, it was your prerogative to leave, I see things better now.

I must have caused pain and disappointment but was it I,
Or your overreacting to some strand you saw in others?
Yes I wanted your attention, you were the apple of my eye.
But I guess that only true love doesn't let die the embers.

Like they say, things can only be different, not better.
And I've driven myself crazy at the thought of our friendship
Now a ghost like memory, and I put myself on the ether
Wondering at what else I'll goof up, what loves I'll let slip.

I know the bedrock on which our love was founded, feel wistful
At the thought of all we meant to each other, now confounded
I'd recall to you my story of love and friendship, still hopeful
That you'd one day realize I was simply in your spell, dumbfounded


422 A Patch of Blue →

"You've meant a lot in my life as I'm sure you've helped redeem a few... Let another year pass and we will have spent a dozen well.... Now go drink from the cup of life, and let jangle your bell!"


424 Swing Low →

"I can't think of a gentler soul though firm... To reform heaven, help them cut through the tape... Find the supreme secret *1 as we'd cast away a drape"