Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

514 Let Me Go

A boy asking leave of his tough family.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

I'm not your boy toy anymore so wind me up -
You left me alone on the shelf now time to ante up.
Let me go, I'll carry the pain a while more,
You coulda been kinder, saved me from all the gore.

Oh life, this riddle I know we will never solve,
Why at the mercy of family we're in utter ruin - it's like thunderclouds above!
That fall lashing rain down our parade, leaving us bereft
Of our senses, the world askew, us left

In the relative strengths we can draw from within,
A story that repeats somberly, us left in chagrin!
Wretched am I to see a family so filled with melancholy,
They fail to see the Lord's hands, find something to call holy!

I must be brave now as I leave them to their devices,
You see worry, and guilt, and feeling beat are some of the worst vices.
A vicious cycle it is and I cannot swim against the current,
Only cry myself to sleep that I couldn't save loved ones, sent

From the heavens to make my life more tenable.
They were young then and I was blind, but now they're unable,
To help me along my chosen path and I have tarried overlong.
Time to leave them in God's hands, find my stride and burst into my song!


513 Through The Years →

Just a boy earnestly wishing to have a dear friend back.


515 I Hope →

Hopes for a friend whose been there for me at some very tough times.