Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections


Collection: Walking to Freedom and Joy.
walkWalking to Freedom and Joy.

451 Cradle →

A personal note to babies and children everywhere, written for Renaissance

452 Gumption →

Another note to toddler's and youth, this one with a final note to parents to always be mindful about life. Also written for Renaissance

453 Lost →

Another poem to Patricia, this one has me in an endless loop of memories.

454 Stormy2 →

About finding the right sort of partner and flying!

455 Lovely →

Care for one another as we can do, with love. Uplifted, as on a starry, starry night, we look above.

456 Forgot →

In all my madness and insecurity, I've always forgotten to pray for and be kind to the ones that love me so.

457 Books →

For a friend's daughter for her birthday, this one extra special for it reflects my love of books.

458 Castles2 →

Wowie, some powerful old feelings!

459 A Whole New World →

Oh, absolute mirth at the thought of the battles of life to be fought.

460 Distance2 →

Beginning with an appreciation for distance, this poem quickly talks about how friendship can bridge any gap and quickly switches to even grander themes.

461 Aishwarya →

For a newly met mother addressing her 6yo daughter.

462 Wildmore →

A landmark poem as I start releasing that pent up anger and write with a new force of feeling / authneticity instead of sugar coaring everything.

463 Best →

Another important poem of self reflection as 2 dear friends bring me closer to believing - believing in myself.

464 Selfish →

Upbraiding the world for all it's selfishness and insouciance.

465 The Poets Daemon →

Enough talk of daemons and sprites and spirits that would possess a poets imagination, lead him to daydream and continually obsess - What these fellows need is some strong grounding in reality.

466 Amma →

I think of the years stretching in front of your grandchildren and know, that they will carry your spirit fierce through all their laughs and tears.

467 Strain Once Again →

Break the Chains that bind, prise open the cask's lid and strain once again, this time moving sure-footed and lightning fast.

468 My Robin →

For and to Todd Anderson, student in Dead Poets Society

469 Born To Run →

We should only be grateful for the road brought us here, through good times and bad, now come dance and thrive.

470 Rosebuds →

Dear Friend of mine, how the tomorrows stretched to infinity a scarce decade ago! You were right, my philosophies were all sterile and puerile, filled with a false Ego

471 City Mine →

Oh the friends I leave in your care as I trot to my new home with my old fife. Especially the ones you took to your bosom for they'd borne too much of life.

472 Work →

let work morph into it's divine future and no longer maim or control. This very moment, we withdraw our sanction from poverty, homelessness and war. We eliminate the need for banks, debt and taxes forever!

473 Mrityormam →

There's a part inside us that's strong though grieving. It wants to sing your praise, but also is filled with sighs. All through your life, we never at your hand stopped receiving.

474 Family Man →

... don't let life drive you around the bend. Go with glide in your stride instead, always wisely your time do spend.

475 Work Is Worship →

For its is only when we reach for perfection that we become the game. And to play the game you must always surrender the outcome

476 Driving Force →

A random prayer for a friend

477 On Divorce →

For a near and dear sweet friend whose on the verge of separation and divorce

478 Beautiful World →

Life finally calls for us to have poise and a shedding of the ego, as we revere all things beautiful, with creatures great and small.

479 Nothing →

A contemplative poem thanks to my uncle Chalam

480 Lost Without Music →

This poem describes a friend whose feeling low and "unable to hear the music"

481 Sorry →

An apology to friends for being obtuse.

482 Strove →

"we could be perfection"

483 Beach →

"Making love in the morning sun in some Of my earliest essays as I revelled in your beauty, In your warmth with a sense frolicsome."

484 Dying →

In this poem about my father's fear of discussing death, I begin to make a case for Euthanasia - something I've believed in for more than a decade.

485 Arms →

About my friendship with 4 women.

486 Niyat2 →

Will this boy one day become a "World Stirrer and Shaker"?

487 Abid →

For a friend's cousin, on his 5th Wedding Anniversary.

488 Mohsen →

For my cousin's son.

489 Fresh Ideas →

But Humankind seems ready for fresh ideas, that's a plus. I wrote last year that the time can be even now,

490 Back To Life →

"At new beginnings, I'd dream on, hopeful with each passing day. And glad for those friendships that are cemented for a lifetime."

491 Blessed →

Each day we live we find positivity to buoy us from the crass and odd. For blessings today in this seemingly harsh world may seem almighty few

492 Lovingly Heal →

A prayer for a dear friend that she recover quickly from a fall and fracture.

493 Moments Left →

A prayer for a friend's mother as she recovers.

494 Niha2 →

A poem of wonder for this enchanting 9 year old.

495 Special →

Special greetings and wishes for a special girl.

496 Unfurl →

Celebrating as a friend "unfurls his flag" and sets out on a new adventure.

497 Good Fight →

Still trying to cheer that friend up and not seem a duffer.

498 Communities →

About the ups and downs of communities and the gleanings we can have from our elders.

499 Gentle Giant →

Like it says: "we just bonded well straight from the start", you gentle giant you!

500 Enough2 →

Dead set against all forms of war, this one ends with: "Come my much loved species, time to turn the page!"