Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections282 I saw you Cry
For a friend who was broken down.
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveWe all react differently to the cold, hard, harsh world
We dunno the boundaries and sometimes break down
It's trying on loved ones for they face our darkest night
We loathe ourselves, wanting instead to live in the light
I remember the day when your song rang clear and sweet
No sadness or grief overcame you, you were a joy to meet
Don't take the world's woes on yourself instead just love
Remember to let your heart soar up like a turtle dove
Break down my dearest friend, tell us what causes grief
Come to terms with your past losses, shake like a leaf
We do not judge - feel the warmth of our hand on yours
As you learn to dance again - dance on verdant meadows
Give in to the sway of your emotions, don't let them churn
Remember we're at your side, you needn't face life alone
What's tearing you up inside? Just put your finger on it!
Break the cycle of injustice the world on you did commit
I am proud of you and the wonderful home you've built
Let no new grief strike you down - let no bud ever wilt
I knew not sadness until I saw you break down and cry
You're running on empty, love yourself - dont fight shy!
Sundaram, 28 Dec 2020
Teamwork, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
281 Do Well →
Written the day we performed special prayers, our spirit is to: "We stand apart in our promise to deliver a high standard... Of quality, we work hard to give what we said we would... We're quick to support a colleague, we're never wayward... Instead our concern for living beings touches as it should."
Siddharth, 28 Dec 2020
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].