Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

456 Forgot

In all my madness and insecurity, I've always forgotten to pray for and be kind to the ones that love me so.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

In all my madness and insecurity, I've always forgotten
To pray for and be kind to the ones that love me so.
But now, a new mindfulness takes hold, it does threaten
The old callousness with a thought that love should grow.

Seeds sprout roots, but not so much on rocky terrain,
So what of your roots humanity, is the soil fertile?
Have you prepared the earth to receive the gentle rain?
That somber soil that is the human heart, virile,

For it has the [re]productive energy to create whole
New worlds where forgot is the very word somber.
Worlds where on verdant lawns we can dance and twirl
As we sense the rhythm of Mother Earth. Dumber

We may seem in eyes that glorify money and power,
But no matter how ill gotten or ill spent they are,
They'll never be able to replace a hard won Dollar,
Or the joy of simply dancing as we weave and spar.

We may seem to be sparring with adversaries, but maybe
They're old friends who teach us, how love, to harness.
Now head to your loved ones and the neighbour's furbaby,
For animals can teach us much of human kindness!


455 Lovely →

Care for one another as we can do, with love. Uplifted, as on a starry, starry night, we look above.


457 Books →

For a friend's daughter for her birthday, this one extra special for it reflects my love of books.