Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

416 Divine Thread

Written for a poonal ceremony of a friend's nephew Arjun

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

There's a divine thread weaving us into the pattern of life
Agnostics and atheists think of it as cleaved with a knife,
But know this Dear Arjun, it's the knot of life that us does bind,
As we set out to unravel the mysteries, the meaning of life to find.

Most people are ignorant of the deeper meaning of this thread.
That it's a constant reminder of The Brahman - so say the well read.
We do askesis each day, to learn to discipline ourselves and the mind,
Hope that one day prayers will lead to ajapa japa, and you will find

The hidden meanings in life as they unravel themselves to the adept
Who wonders at the depth of thought by which our seers crept
Solidly and steadfastly, their focus on the desirable desire
Which is, to transcend the petty, self-absorbed and the mire.

I hope today was wondrous with a thought of the years ahead.
That the promise of tomorrow will thrill you as you are led
By the playful creature that is your inner self, who now will dance
To the tune of the play or Lila, as life gives the utmost abundance.

I go now my dear nephew, but know I wish you the most success,
As you trod now the path of the initiate into this land's best
Learnings, for it is the Sanatana Dharma that makes us unique.
A path for all to walk in our own ways, as in a glen, by a creek.


415 Birth →

Written for the delight that is baby Eliott, Kim's newborn son


417 Poised →

Written for my boss' birthday - "You balance hardcore tech savvy with empathetic, but that's not odd,.. Rather it's endearing, for you always wish us well, help us feel sated."