Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]
From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections
255 Dear John
On the occasion of my friend John's birthday
Rhyme Scheme: ConsecutiveWhen we were young, the music filled us with life
Sadly it's taken on a somber tone now, ah, such strife
It seems just yesterday we'd rehearse for shows
When Dragonfly played, I'd be in the front rows
We've plenty of good memories John, mon ami
I've seen you grow into a wonderful guy, dear to me
We've watched the moon wax and set out upon the road
Why don't we talk now, let me help lighten your load
If I can at all, for its usually you advising me on life
A thing I oft struggle with, a problem that is rife
I hope you pull through this rather difficult time
That someday we cleanse off the mud and grime
For life is tough but you, you handle it all so well
Make me forget my own sadness, instead feel swell
I know you're withdrawn now and very very sad
If anyone went through the same, why they'd go mad
Remember all the lives you've touched and be strong
Or break down as you need, heal yourself with song
There's much grieving to be done, I hope life will allow
Your wishes to come true, then bright will be the morrow
Siddharth, 26 Oct 2020
Healing, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].
254 Troubled →
For 3 friends who are all finding themselves in difficult / estranged relationsships
Gary, 2 Nov 2020
Imagine, Find that Fulcrum [and Push!].