Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

362 Change

Random thoughts from the parents and brother of a friend on his wedding evening as I drew them into intimate conversation

Rhyme Scheme: Blank Verse

[With Care]

In the ever changing climes and challenges of our lives
Constant is that divine spark bursting from within
Growth's ultimate victory is choice-less awareness
In each moment, an opportunity to qualify appears

But fleeting is that moment - it requires poise to catch
In life's play, a string of pearled opportunity, star lit
The cosmos holds the memory of that fulfilled moment
Then she's gone and our breaths we catch with delight


Inspired to live in the light we are indomitable in nature
Trust we build for each other to fight amidst this battle
Love wins over all, so we fight with love in our hearts
Care can be a stupendous force and we do this together

Respect takes us far on the road, makes life worthwhile
Joy and Fun we have, borne out of respect for everyone
Vulnerable we may seem, but actually our steel is stellar
Adventures come and go, and amidst it we rage on

Determined to win our dreams as we set out in marriage
Independent upto a point, then we find we are interleaved
Fiercely Protective we can be of each other but we're not
Selectively Selfish too - such is life on this pale blue dot


361 Nani →

I want to break fre but it seems i lack the nerve, lead the way, help me on green pastures to serve.


363 Verna →

About the old indic thought of gradations in colour of the modes of nature in people. Written for a friend who is researching it