Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

463 Best

Another important poem of self reflection as 2 dear friends bring me closer to believing - believing in myself.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

We're so full of our internal goddamn shit we often forget,
The loved ones who dare put the word friend to the test.
Stand tall and to center Johnny, for you are dear to me,
Just gave me a new lease on life, by letting me feel angry.

I know not if my way is any clearer or if I'll walk the path to freedom,
Freedom from my need to anticipate appreciation, live in thralldom.
It's a sick perverted world that doesn't let the artist's creativity flow,
Dictates that he seem profound and forgiving, instead of dealing a blow

To the false self that is indeed the root cause of all evil.
To my chagrin, I find that in seeking to please I've unleashed a devil.
The devil that makes us seek for approval in all that we do,
Stops us from feeling exactly what we feel, so now I say - screw you!

And head off to find my authentic self as I bid farewell to the past.
Where I spat in my own face by trying to find a profoundness that would last
Through the ages as this or other reader venerated me.
Instead now I set out to find the divine collyrium that will set me free.

A medicated eyewash that would rend the dark drapes of my life,
And tear them to shreds as I find a poise with which to face all strife.
Come back to you Johnny, I realise you want for me the best,
That when I learn to be true to my self, is when your fears for me can be put to rest.


462 Wildmore →

A landmark poem as I start releasing that pent up anger and write with a new force of feeling / authneticity instead of sugar coaring everything.


464 Selfish →

Upbraiding the world for all it's selfishness and insouciance.