Impelled :: Heal with Dialogue. — [Impelled]

From poem #251 - I try to move the reader even more and set out to heal through dialogue and words', 'collections

459 A Whole New World

Oh, absolute mirth at the thought of the battles of life to be fought.

Rhyme Scheme: Four Lines Consecutive

A new world is upon us, shining, shimmering, splendid - so go
To where we can dream, letting the universe consciousness flow.
This above all - to thine own self be true - and let twang the bow
Of your soul's constancy, embrace the moment, continue to sow.

The flow upholds the continuity that is the river of your life,
So think deep thoughts of your woman, wed her and take her to wife.
Build a haven - not of tranquility, but of grandeur where you face all strife.
A smithy you need where you keep the poise, balancing all as on a knife.

You know, everything that everyone says need not make sense to all
Each has a path - but when the lute is played, we dance and stand tall.
In our togetherness we see our minds reflected, break down the wall,
We separated ourselves from the battle, forgot our labours great and small.

What do we know of self sufficiency? Again, do all need to validate everything?
With more acceptance and recognition of and by ourselves, can we finally sing?
Where has all the courage gone to face and better the man in the mirror? Ding!
Time marches on, what have we won? Happiness? Was it all just another fling?

Have we been true to our mission? Or helped our comrades, their hill to win?
Thrilling it must be to finally face ourselves and with berserker fury, grin!
Tumblers click, bolts fall into place and we take our new perspectives for a spin,
And find its all been worth our while, for we played loud our pipes against the din.


458 Castles2 →

Wowie, some powerful old feelings!


460 Distance2 →

Beginning with an appreciation for distance, this poem quickly talks about how friendship can bridge any gap and quickly switches to even grander themes.