Daivic :: Children of One World. — [Daivic]

A new (in 2021) series of essays by Imran

5 Dreams

Theres a powerful character Avedoi Merek that brought Peace and Love to Ferra (The Ferret Home World) by changing himself. Having already establised ourselves in love since 1958, perhaps now, its time we (humankind) thought of "Those Good old Dreams". I still dream, standing on the shoulders of giants.

Rhyme Scheme: Essay

My dreams for leaders, civil workers, professionals, institutions and individuals.

There's a new kind of writing on the wall that calls us to leave off all distasteful actions and dishonourable deeds of the past.

We're living a new age of illumination and we need to tell our leaders to get with the times and that the time has come for participative governance and mutually rewarding and nurturing relationships.

Most of us are caught in idle comparison of thought process and ideology, forgetting the common bedrock of faith, love and goodwill that binds us together.

We are sensitive to each other's pain and we know how long and cold the nights can be that we walk alone.

The time for changing is here and change our society has into this wonderful chrysalis that's showing promise. We just need to turn away from people who sow the lies of hate and discord, that jars so with our true nature that welcomes people and warms to their stories.

We need more action parties and good countries. We need to band in groups and lovingly CHANGE the status quo. We need to cover each other's backs and trust the innate goodness in everyone.

We need to pull off the feat of healing from our less than perfect pasts and LIVE that new age of illumination where we tear down the walls of indifference and cling tightly the the message of love our prophets brought us from the very heavens above.

We need to be patient as the farmer tills the land and for us to watch delighted as every carefully sown grain breaks into the sunlight and becomes a sapling. We need to sow more seeds of love and peace everywhere and, as a farmer once told me, we need to yield more.

So let begin this ceaseless toil where we reunite with our brothers and sisters and work to establish a just, loving, peacable community on earth filled with Angels Among Us.