Daivic :: Children of One World. — [Daivic]

A new (in 2021) series of essays by Imran

3 Catalyst

[Will be added]

Rhyme Scheme: Essay

Q1) What do you want to do

Catalyse change and action for and by humanity…

What if 700 million people already spoke a language. The language of love, peace and goodwill. They walk the path of truth and want to relentlessly pursue / lead a Life Divine.

What if .01% of those, or 70,000 people were already busy building the dreams we have for a brighter tomorrow. These are [sometimes ordinary] heroes / lightworkers trying to establish the Life Divine.

Those 70,000 people are busy holding up their flags and establishing / proclaiming their worth. What if a coalition could be formed and instead of working counter to each other in some small way, we could all work in unison. What if we organized ourselves by the movements we participate in, the causes we champion - how can these movements in unison self organize?

Where does change need to be effected?

In every aspect / walk of life. In the classroom, in the bedroom, in the boardroom and in the coffee shop, in the stadium, on the street, in the jailhouse, in the temple. The desire to change people's lives cannot be only for a certain region / type of people - it has to permeate everywhere.

How can you catalyse change?

Heroes need for their stories to be told. Organizations need to attract the right sort of believers, supporters etc. People need to share their stories, heal from the trauma of the past / the social issues that burn close to their hearts, find like minded people to espouse their cause and an easy way to find sincere people whose work to expand on / augment.

As per the divine plan, there's already plenty of Acts of Kindness going around in the world. We need these acts to be magnified and become a part of everyday life.

We need that magical number of 700,000 people to grow manifold. The surest way to convince someone about the Life Divine is to reach out and touch them - a commitment to love our fellow creatures - show it, do it, mean it.

Formulae that these lightworkers discover and refine need to be shared.

What can this catalyst do?

A catalyst is part of a chemical reaction that is underway only it accelerates that change.

More Organizations don't need to be formed - that's not the job of a catalyst. A catalyst finds vital information and shares it, it works with binding agents and hastens the process of change. It understands the chemical process and it knows when to do what. It takes good ideas and thinks how to get them off the ground / brings in experts good at replicating success.

I have 3 ideas to make this happen
* Give people a platform to share ideas and dreams and form relationships
* Magnify the work of heroes so that every last soul on this earth is inspired to act for the greater good.
* Create a system of #DirectDonations where money goes direct to the person that needs the help or to the person / organisation that is helping people.