All my Poems and Prose — [All]

398 Manish →

For Reuben, Sandeep and Harry on the death of their friend Manish Aneja, written from the view of the poet, addressing the dear departed.


Reuben, 15 May 2021 2/3
Grief, Teeming with Life. | WORK: impelled

337 Reunited →

For a dear friend upong the loss of his uncle... Triggered a powerful emotion and thought for all the people we love and the longing to be reunited with them.

Reuben, 11 Dec 2018 3/3
Imagine, Spontaneous Love. | WORK: infused

90 Wake Up →

Jointly, Sons of God - wake up and life the Life Divine. "Why does none fight for the very principle of right - Sons of God wake up, live the good life and in might".

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