Daivic :: Children of One World. — [Daivic]

A new (in 2021) series of essays by Imran

4 Software Making

[Will be added]

Rhyme Scheme: Essay

The process of making software is a testimony to how ingenious we are! That is, after all why we call it "Engineering" - whose root is "ingenuity". It trains the brain to razor-sharpness and then gives us lease to use that brain to reflect on the system of chaos around us.

There is no walk of life that it does not cut across and no technological problem that it cannot attempt to solve. We are given new tools/toys to play with every day and Nature/The Divine waits patiently to see how we use it - to see if we can use it as mature, cohesive members of society.

I look forward to the day when I will have to defend it in the judging eyes of the ignoramus! A task I am equal to.

That maturity of usage of tool is evident in this quote from WikiQuote:

It is, indeed, a remarkable circumstance that when Western civilization discovers Relativity it applies it to the manufacture of atom-bombs, whereas this Oriental civilization applies it to the development of new states of consciousness.

Technology is not inherently evil, but the monuments of stupidity / stupendous heights to which it is misused boggles the mind.

I choose to use it as a force for good - will you?



5 Dreams →

Theres a powerful character Avedoi Merek that brought Peace and Love to Ferra (The Ferret Home World) by changing himself. Having already establised ourselves in love since 1958, perhaps now, its time we (humankind) thought of "Those Good old Dreams". I still dream, standing on the shoulders of giants.