Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions. — [Inspired]

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

510 Retired

Seriously, this ones about us holding onto our dreams that we may change the world into something special.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

The mentally retarded was tired doing nothing,
So she decided to retire
and never could get herself to do something.
A phase now past, do you believe she can inspire?

That's about everything...
Here is her story,
Now isn't that something?
Aren't we all trying to win glory?

She came out of retirement just to find herself,
'Cause in the interstices between living there is no peace.
For whats left unachieved and undone, we answer to the self...
Don't let go, says she - for then on life you will have a new lease!

Let go of what? This dullard of a boy asked.
Why your dreams silly! We need to educate
Everyone to fight fey and make themselves tasked
To the joy of finding their calling, others to liberate.

This world's going to hell in a handbasket you know?
But the fight is not yet over, so call everyone you care for.
We can catalyze change if we work together to grow,
For then we can stop these fools doing thins we abhor!


509 The Way I Feel →

About a friend no longer beside me, in continuation to a letter I wrote her in 2018.


511 Loss2 →

For a new made friend, about the loss of his partner Jo.