Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

519 Pain

For a friend bowed down by circumstance.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Don't give in to the pain and let the dark forces win,
Rather plough on forward, even managing a grin,
As you win the day with zest and zeal and courage.
Remember you are going to win over this outrage!

I know but little of what you must be going through,
Forget those of limited vision who haven't a clue.
Stick to your guns and watch as the magic happens,
Dream big my dear and take no more nonsense!

It's been tough these past years with no one to back you,
But forget all that now, its rather important not to feel blue.
There's a silver lining in each cloud so partake of the rain,
Later you can shake of the drops and dance in the daylight again!

There's a poise you have that helps you glide gently through life,
Don't give in to anger no matter how stupid those around you - don't give in to strife.
One day the kingdom will be yours, so make sure to uplift us all,
From the mire as only one with your benevolence can, one who stands tall!

What can I say dear friend as this poem draws to a close?
Forget the bad, just remove it from your mind - lose
Not the plot that we're sent to earth to build a haven here,
So let this painful phase pass quickly that you may once again know good cheer!


518 A Few Wishes →

Wishes for a dear friend on her birthday.


520 Elated →

Intensely romantic poem for an old flame.