Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

522 Joy3

Still trying to buoy the spirits of that friend.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

Think not of the past except for it makes you kinder to other dismal souls.
Chin up and fight the battle ahead, make sure to attain all your goals.
The days can be bright again, days when you know utmost joy.
So let your mood soar if only you let it, as advises this boy.

Not saying the road is easy nor devoid of pitfalls.
But face it with aplomb, tear down all the walls,
Rendering every hurdle to a quiet dissolution in your cauldron.
My dear, may joy ever be your companion, your battles won.

My wishes for you go on, I hope you find eternal bliss.
So go wrest the most from life, give her a kiss,
As she finds new ways to make you happy for ever more.
Just wait as she leads you to new joys on life's threshing floor.

May your family let you go the way you choose to,
And you in turn release them from their limited notions, so
Tell me what are you doing this moment for yourself.
Is your heart beating with joy, no longer forgot on the shelf.

I wish you the best dear, let peace reign in your heart.
These are troublesome times, so go back to the start
And accept the good and move on, your joys won.
Know bliss and let a new life shine on you like the sun.


521 Happy →

To celebrate a friend's birthday - written with words prompted.


Dear Problems

523 Dear Problems →

Small reminder to self about how problems can be dissolved in God.