Essays and Reflections. — [Essays]

In this, my older prose, you will see the passion with which I write and the articles that formed the basis of Imagine and my Poetry

3 Fantasy

Wondeing the purpose of fantasy as we expose our children to it all.

Rhyme Scheme: Essay

Don't let your children be caught in too much Fantasy humanity. It's both fun and informative but is also like a Pitcher Plant that traps and consumes.

I'd beg to ask them how is it impacting them in a wholesome manner? Does it make them ready to do combat for truth and justice alongside their favourite heroes?

Can they recognise the web of lies that a __Sauron__ or a __Tzaddik__ will weave in order to lead us all down a path of destruction?

Are they drawing parallels to real life, testing their own powers, amongst all of which the written and spoken word carry much weight? Do they recognize the trials a hero must face that forges their character and the effort it takes to become adept with those skills?

Do they stand up for the average human, forging relationships amd building trust and faith? Are they able to easily come out of Fantasia and do common everyday things?

Does the power of story and camaraderie bring them closer to each other and to us, bringing them to the moment where they decide to forever stand for their highest right?

These are but a few questions, do share your thoughts?


2 Robot →

Wondering what a world of AI military robots could do to us - posing them a few rhetoric questions.