Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions. — [Inspired]

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

505 Exodus

Something about breaking away from city life and inviting humanity to an exodus leading us to live with Nature.

Rhyme Scheme: Alternate

A gentle unassuming man he was,
Keeping his family's interests paramount.
He'd been in the thick of the rat race, but now paused
To think if they'd rather live with nature, city life to surmount

As they all washed away the cares, and found instead
A fount of joy and love by being with their true extended family.
Living with nature would soon resurrect a part of him long dead,
And as his spiritual side opened up, he'd sing a homily,

Drawing others away from the city as they found release
From the cycles and vice like grip of the evil that abounded.
Come let's go to farm this or river that and pitch a tent with ease,
As we bask in the inner sun's glow. After a time they realised they had founded

A new community of people living with zest and in harmony,
Why everyone led a purposeful life, he got around to reflecting
That this was a much better way to live, watching his family live away from money,
With us in it's clutches, instead a fair exchange by those who would sing

The praise of Mother Dharti as they danced beneath the stars.
Come now O ye trapped in the concrete jungle, visit us now
And watch in wonder as your newly unburdened soul hums bars
Of the endless refrain of life, at once liberating, setting us aglow.


506 Weep →

Plea from a pacifist to humanity to spread love not be embroiled in hate.