Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

520 Elated

Intensely romantic poem for an old flame.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive


I see you around some times and my heart just melts,
Thinking of loving you my dear, like rain that just pelts
Down on you, showing you my utmost tender, joyous
While our love starts to grow on its own making us

Know elation in the highest high! Oh sweetest heart mine
Let our love stand as a monument, mark softly the time.
Sweet is the taste of your lips, while a carnal flame burns
Bright - now lets cavort with the music in frenzied turns!

Elated was I when you danced for me, danced all night,
And you held me close and my world seemed alright.
Nobody said it was easy this life, but you make it tenable
My love, so lets make love until sunup, be most able

To make the other feel elated to have our sweet love.
Come now to me dearie, lets row out to our treasure cove.
I remember those days gone past when I was alone,
The melancholy and the dreariness made me dull as stone,

Now every time I think of you my pulse races, I feel elated.
So remember that what we have is timeless, feel sated
If you will - as for me, I'm hungry for more, so let me
Gorge on those sweet lips, as we find nightly ecstasy!


519 Pain →

For a friend bowed down by circumstance.


521 Happy →

To celebrate a friend's birthday - written with words prompted.