Inspired :: Shedding Inhibitions

From poem #501 - I keep whittling away, trying to improve the craft

502 Cry2

As I reflect on my loneliness and comfort myself that a better time will come when I have a body to love.

Rhyme Scheme: Consecutive

It's not fair to have to cry every day
Waiting for someone to show the way.
So many years without a one to love,
On how you gave so hard and strove.

Your all broken inside afraid to dream again
Everyone does mischief to your chagrin.
Now and then like a bolt of lightning -
Some inspiration but soon it's a fading.

Cry dear boy, life can vex us all. Show grit,
Use your smarts, show you have a lot of wit.
Love comes in different guises and forms
Remember agape, a force to ride all storms.

I weep with you that you do not know a woman's touch.
You only asked for a heart pure as snow, perhaps that's asking much.
Or just maybe the one's you've shared that intimacy with are scattered across this earth,
Serving adroitly in this war that Nature must win, for there can be no dearth

Of hope at a time when it must again take all kinds to save us
From our petty selves, for then we can live a life that's glorious.
Think dear boy, and resolve to cut a tall swathe wherever you go,
And in whatever you do, remain steadfast to the ones with whose love you grow.


501 Dammed Up →

About a long forgotten intimacy, the giving into dammed up feeling and the rekindling of an old spark.


503 Head →

About the human race that should "discover the light and we walk elated and tall".