My Career as a hobbyist / employee and freelance programmer went from
my school electronics days,
to my intense vb6 college days
and a professional career from 2006 to 2022.
I am now into multiple things as my linkedin profile and phase 2 of career will reflect.
Career Past — 2005 To 2019 — Freelancer
Freelance Software Engineer - Freelance
May 2005 - Nov 2019 - 14 yrs 7 mos
- Cakephp alumni sports site in 2007
- Croogo timesheet app in 2011
- MicroViC framework in 2011 with 5 sites built
- 2011 migration of to php
- 2013 wordpress page importer for SF and freelance for SMG.
- Work Publishing (Biblios) standalone and later wordpress plugin for YM.
- Several website in Yii including intermart B2B ecommerce and tailoring measurement booking.
- 2018 launch of and
- Various plugins in wordpress
- FTP Sync in 2007
- IViewer .net in 2006
- 5 Games on github
- IvyUpdater library with server xml version check.
HTML PHP .NET Framework Programming WinForms Wordpress jQuery Yii Web Development
Imran's World — Career Past: